

from $229.00

20x30 | Oil on Panel

Week 23

You are probably getting the gist that we did these all in a short time and I am spreading them out to keep you in the proper suspense--- you are right. We spent one day for 2 paintings (earth and fire) and a separate day for each water and air. So much art was created in 3 days!


For this piece we choose a beautiful spot outside the home we were staying at. Our friend Rebecca held our baby monitor during nap time while we scampered outside to try our hand at water.


We discuss the borders of our concept beforehand- laying out a clear idea of what in a 360 view to capture. As we began, Laert started having too much fun recreating the space. Erasing trees and expanding river banks. Creating from your mind works best if there is only one mind between the canvas and brush. For me it was a bit chaotic to keep up with since we both were choosing to keep/delete/or put emphasis on different aspects of our scene. This was the absolute most challenging yet. We had to take a break and come back to it. In the end I really like it, and seeing this one with the others- it really is starting to be a very cool grouping. My fav is the red poppies that were originally purple thistles. I also love the transparency of the water... I was initially shocked and doubtful when I saw the oranges Laert was throwing down here. I know now to wait and stand back because somethings don't look the way you think they should up close.

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